Sunday, August 24, 2008


Yesterday, after reading one of our fellow Blogger's thank you notes, for the prayers she received during a recent medical scare, I replied to her that since the next day would be Sunday, that I'd post my favorite picture of Jesus today.

I'm not quite sure exactly what 'grabs me' about this picture, but for some reason, it speaks to me. I have been making copies for friends, who have seen it and asked about it, I've also given it as gifts on occasion. Recently our Pastor celebrated 25yrs. of his ordination, so I had the picture enlarged to a 24"x30" size and framed in honor of the occasion. It now hangs in the rear of our church for all to see.

I don't consider myself a very religious person, I did go to Catholic, grade school, and NEVER even thought of becoming a Nun, like most of the girls did in my class. I do try to be a good, caring and loving person and try hard to obey God's laws.

Maybe when you view this picture, it will move you to say a little prayer, for all those friends of ours, and their families, who we've grown to love and care for, here in Blogland. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL AND KEEP YOU IN GOOD HEALTH.


Picket said...

Morning girl...this is a beautiful post and a beautiful picture..I do so thank you all your love & support. I am back to my old self and I thank God for touching me and giving me such great friends here in blogland! have a beautiful Sunday my friend!

onlymehere said...

This is a beautiful picture of the Savior. Very beautiful Sunday post!